Friday, June 28, 2013

Club Can't Even Handle Me Right Now...

Guy: Do you know how to dance?
Me: I've taken dance classes throughout my life sporadically but I'm not a dancer.
Guy: I mean night club.
Me: That's not knowing how to dance. That's dancing the way each individual knows how and often times it wouldn't even fall into the category of dance.
Guy: No worries. I was just wondering.
Me: If what you're really asking me is if I can rub my ass up against some dude's crotch to Flo Rida while basking in the flickering lights of a Spencer disco ball, then yes, I guess I know how to "dance" but I have never done that in my life and never will. Unless it's 80's rock. Then I can't control my dance moves. And those dance moves are so legit you would never even know what Roger Rabbit hit you first.
Guy: I do have to say you have the best ass I've probably ever seen.
Me: Really? I hate my ass.
Guy: It's awesome. Top notch. Credit is always due where it is deserved.
Me: In that have some Flo Rida?

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